The Zeltwelt Family continues to grow ...

The Zeltwelt Family continues to grow ...

Zeltwelt has been successful in selling natural tents for years and is a classic family business. The company was founded by Tomas and his brother Pavel. Then Tomas and Bibi led Zeltwelt and 20 years continue successfully.

In the last three years experienced Zeltwelt a makeover. With the daughter-in-law Selina 2014 entered the next generation in the family business. Now Yves, son of Tomas and Bibi will be part of the Zeltwelt Family and supports our team since the beginning of the season actively with.

Yves Beco comes from the field of graphics and marketing and has made a decisive contribution to the website for a few years in the background. He helped develop the concept of the new website for us, which has now earned us a lot of praise. As a hobby photographer, he always enriches the website with many wonderful pictures. Now the time was ripe for him to finally give up his office job and officially join Zeltwelt to tackle with.

With his background, he complements our company perfectly and has been for the since March 1st, 2017 Zeltwelt Team has become an important support.

history of Zeltwelt

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