The panoramic yurt from Davos | 130

Hotel Shima is expanding its premises with a yurt bistro and a seminar yurt.

Location  Davos GR
Customer Hotel Shima
Program August 2019
occasion Gastronomy, seminars
Key data insulated 6m yurt & insulated 8m panorama yurt with 8-part window front

The tent story

A big project that took time to mature. The Hotel Shima team was looking for a way to make room for more space, especially the restaurant, which had a bit of capacity and needed a solution to expand the space. Since they could not expand the hotel itself, the idea came with the yurts. You decide on two yurts, an 6m yurt as a residence / seminar room and a large panoramic yurt with a diameter of 8m as an additional yurt bistro.

Davos as a location, with the upcoming snowfall, presented a challenge to us and the customer. We equipped the yurt as well as the Trout-Yurt with four instead of two supports, in order to catch the coming snow masses a bit and to support the supporting structure. Nevertheless, of course, the fresh snow must be regularly removed from the roof here.

Yurts in the winter

The floors for the yurts were from the joinery Gisler-timber specially insulated and expanded with a floor heating system. Thus, part of the waste heat of the wood stove is injected directly into the ground and thus warms the feet of the guests in the cold winter months. In addition, they subsequently built a passage connecting the yurt and the hotel. Also, a slightly raised terrace floor was laid over the back. This can also be seated in fine weather and sets the yurts beautiful in scene.

It took almost two years from the beginning of the idea to the final implementation. Especially the process with building authorities, fire police and the special energy regulations in Davos, delayed the implementation. But now the two yurts are standing and were inaugurated in style at the opening ceremony with a Mongolian Shaman ritual.

Information about the customer


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